Distinguished Business Nomination
The Fourth District Distinguished Business Award is a program that honors local businesses for their contributions to our economy and our community. Businesses, especially small businesses, are a vital part of our communities, providing innovation, services, revenue, employment, and community participation. There are many exceptional businesses that serve as the economic backbone of our county, and I want to recognize them. Help highlight your favorite local business by telling me and my team!
The outstanding business that is selected will receive recognition from my office. A member of Team Hagman will personally congratulate the outstanding business that is selected and present them with a Certificate of Recognition.
If you would like to nominate a business that you believe meets the “exceptional business” criteria and it is located within the Fourth District of the County (Chino, Chino Hills, Montclair, Ontario, and Upland), then please enter both your information and the business’s information on the application. Each nomination will be reviewed, and a winner will be chosen to receive the Distinguished Business Recognition Certificate. Please be as detailed as possible when filling out the nomination form on behalf of the business. Give them the recognition they deserve by nominating them today!

Distinguished Business Nomination Form
*All fields are required for submission